For small to medium size business any power disturbance such as power grid fluctuations and complete outages affect commercial offices just as much as they impact large corporate centres.
The CertaUPS range of single phase UPS solutions are ideal for small business applications, EPOS, CCTV, cloud based computing and general office equipment. CertaUPS has focused on ensuring it offers lowest cost of ownership coupled with leading class reliability, usability and manageability.
Applications supported by CertaUPS backup power
Brands supported by CertaUPS backup power
CertaUPS has long established partnerships with leading telecom specialists spanning over 20 years. These relationships have not only given CertaUPS strong knowledge and expertise within the telecoms sector but have also allowed CertaUPS to design and develop its UPS solutions specifically to meet the sensitive requirements of the industry.
C400, 1000VA
Apple MAC support
To protect equipment from data loss
A C400, 1000VA is now supporting one of the fastest growing design and marketing firms in the North. After suffering from frequent power fluctuations, which have cost the company £1000s in lost data, it decided to install a CertaUPS C400. Not only is the UPS unit ensuring that a smooth clean supply of power is being delivered at all times it is also safeguarding against any critical power losses.”
Our distributing partners have been carefully selected to cover a broad range of sectors and applications. CertaUPS provides industry leading support and discounts which are passed through the entire channel.